095-819-2077 〒852-8521 長崎市文教町1-14 gengo_c@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp



日 時:令和5年9月19日(火曜日)
    14:30~14:35 開会
    14:35~15:35 基調講演(質疑応答含)
           講 師:稲田俊明氏(九州大学名誉教授)
    15:35~15:45 休憩
    15:45~17:45 研究発表(質疑応答含)
           発表者:吉村理一 (九州大学大学院言語文化研究院)
           発表者:森竹希望 (九州大学大学院 /日本学術振興会特別研究員DC2)

場 所:長崎大学文教キャンパス 環境科学部本館1階A12教室

      電 話 095-819-2774
      メール gengo_c@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp



日 時:令和5年7月21日(金曜日)
    13:00~13:05 開会
    13:05~14:35 稲田俊明氏講演「動的文法理論と第二言語習得研究の問題」
    14:35~14:45 休憩
    14:45~15:45 研究討議
場 所:教養教育講義棟B15教室 対面開催(zoom参加を希望される方は事前にご連絡ください)
対象者:長崎大学 外国語担当教員及び言語習得・言語教育に関心を持つ大学教員
※参加希望の方は、作元 (ysakumoto@nagasaki-u.ac.jp)或いは西原 (t-nishi@nagasaki-u.ac.jp)宛
従来の(標準的な)瞬時獲得モデルに基づく理論には問題があると主張する。 習得の途中段階
なる事例によって示される。 動的文法モデルは、文法拡張の法則を理論の中核部に組み込み、


Invitation to English Cafe for April (留学生だけでなく本学の学生はどなたでも参加できます)

The Center for Language Studies and the Student Exchange Support Division would like to invite you to an English Café scheduled for April 27.
The English Café is a chat event which offers an opportunity for both international students and Japanese students to get to know each other using English.
We hope to see you there!

*****English Café (Bunkyo campus) ******
【Date】Thursday, April 27
【Venue】Student Exchange Support Division
【Number of Participants】Up to 20
【Registration Form】https://forms.gle/j5kcsiZqoPoD5HYH6
【Registration deadline】Monday, April 24 (12:00 p.m.)

Note: Please note that if the number of applicants exceeds maximum limit, participants will be selected by drawing lots.
You will receive an email confirmation of your participation after April 24th.

Student Exchange Support Division
Tel: 095-819-2414
Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

Invitation to English Cafe for January (留学生だけでなく本学の学生はどなたでも参加できます)

Please join us at the English Café in January.
As our two sessions in January would be the last sessions this semester,
please take these opportunities to get acquainted with new people on campus.
We look forward to your participation.

*** English Café (on-campus) ***
【Date】Tuesday, January 10 and 17
【Venue】Student Exchange Support Division
【Number of Participants】Up to 20
【Application Form】https://forms.gle/cKHedBfd6462NyAo9
【Application Due】Thursday, January 5, 2023 (17:00 p.m.)

Note: If the number of applicants exceeds the maximum accepted, the drawing will be conducted.

Student Exchange Support Division
Tel: 095-819-2414
Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

Invitation to English Cafe for December

We are pleased to invite you to the English Café, which is a chat event where international students and Japanese students mingle using English.
Please take this opportunity to get acquainted with new people on campus!

*** English Café (on-campus) ***

【Date】Tuesday, December 6 and 13
【Venue】Student Exchange Support Division
【Number of Participants】Up to 20
【Application Form】https://forms.gle/r5NzvyZpEGumX4HE9
【Application Due】Thursday, December 1, 2022 (17:00 p.m.)

Note: Please note that the participants will be selected by drawing lots when the number of applicants exceeds its limit.

Student Exchange Support Division
Tel: 095-819-2414
Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp


令和4年11月11日、ミネソタ州立大学マンケイト校からAnne Dahlman副学長らグローバル教育訪問団が長崎大学を訪問されました。

Invitation to English Cafe for November

The Center for Language Studies and the Student Exchange Support Division would like to invite you to an English Café scheduled for November.

English Café is a chat event which offers international students and Japanese students an opportunity to get to know each other using English.

Please come and join us!

*** English Café (on-campus) ***

【Date】Tuesday, November 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29
【Venue】Student Exchange Support Division
【Number of Participants】Up to 20
【Application Form】https://forms.gle/hFgwCDEiec37iPD89  
【Application Due】Thursday, October 27, 2022 (12:00 p.m.)

Note: Please note that the participants will be selected by drawing lots when the number of applicants exceeds its limit.

Student Exchange Support Division
Tel: 095-819-2414
Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

Invitation to English Cafe for October

The Center for Language Studies and the Student Exchange Support Division would like to invite you to an English Café scheduled for October.

English Café is a chat event which offers international students and Japanese students an opportunity to get to know each other using English.

Please come and join us!

*** English Café (on-campus) ***
【Date】Tuesday, October 11, 18, and 25
【Venue】Student Exchange Support Division
【Number of Participants】Up to 20
【Application Form】https://forms.gle/LommPePMDmdiSqDD7
【Application Due】Monday, October 10, 2022 (12:00 p.m.)

Note: Please note that the participants will be selected by drawing lots when the number of applicants exceeds its limit.

Student Exchange Support Division
Tel: 095-819-2414
Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

山下龍先生がNHK Eテレ「ニュー試-世界の入試で未来が見える-」に 出演します

山下龍先生がNHK Eテレの「ニュー試-世界の入試で未来が見える-」に



放送日時:令和4年8月19日(金) 午後10:00~午後10:30

チャンネル :NHK Eテレ

番組タイトル:NHK ニュー試「4年で世界7都市を旅する大学 入試は?」
