095-819-2077 〒852-8521 長崎市文教町1-14 gengo_c@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

English Cafe開催のご案内(令和6年7月)

7月に実施予定のEnglish Café に関するご案内です。

*****English Café(留学生と英語で交流)*****
【日時】2024年7月4日, 11日及び18日(いずれも木曜日です。16:10—17:10で実施します。)

TEL: 095-819-2414
Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

English Cafe開催のご案内(令和6年6月)

6月に開催予定のEnglish Café に関するご案内です。
言語教育研究センター及び留学支援課共催で定期的にEnglish Caféを開催しています。


*****English Café(留学生と英語で交流)**********************
【日時】2024年6月6日, 13日,20日及び27日(いずれも木曜日です。16:10—17:10で実施します。)

TEL: 095-819-2414
Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

English Cafe開催のご案内(令和6年5月)

5月に開催予定のEnglish Café に関するご案内です。
言語教育研究センター及び留学支援課共催で定期的にEnglish Caféを開催しています。


*****English Café(留学生と英語で交流)**********************
【日時】2024年5月9日, 23日及び30日(いずれも木曜日です。16:10—17:10で実施します。)

TEL: 095-819-2414
Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

Invitation to English Cafe for April (留学生だけでなく本学の学生はどなたでも参加できます)

The Center for Language Studies and the Student Exchange Support Division would like to invite you to an English Café scheduled for April 27.
The English Café is a chat event which offers an opportunity for both international students and Japanese students to get to know each other using English.
We hope to see you there!

*****English Café (Bunkyo campus) ******
【Date】Thursday, April 27
【Venue】Student Exchange Support Division
【Number of Participants】Up to 20
【Registration Form】https://forms.gle/j5kcsiZqoPoD5HYH6
【Registration deadline】Monday, April 24 (12:00 p.m.)

Note: Please note that if the number of applicants exceeds maximum limit, participants will be selected by drawing lots.
You will receive an email confirmation of your participation after April 24th.

Student Exchange Support Division
Tel: 095-819-2414
Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

Invitation to English Cafe for January (留学生だけでなく本学の学生はどなたでも参加できます)

Please join us at the English Café in January.
As our two sessions in January would be the last sessions this semester,
please take these opportunities to get acquainted with new people on campus.
We look forward to your participation.

*** English Café (on-campus) ***
【Date】Tuesday, January 10 and 17
【Venue】Student Exchange Support Division
【Number of Participants】Up to 20
【Application Form】https://forms.gle/cKHedBfd6462NyAo9
【Application Due】Thursday, January 5, 2023 (17:00 p.m.)

Note: If the number of applicants exceeds the maximum accepted, the drawing will be conducted.

Student Exchange Support Division
Tel: 095-819-2414
Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

Invitation to English Cafe for December

We are pleased to invite you to the English Café, which is a chat event where international students and Japanese students mingle using English.
Please take this opportunity to get acquainted with new people on campus!

*** English Café (on-campus) ***

【Date】Tuesday, December 6 and 13
【Venue】Student Exchange Support Division
【Number of Participants】Up to 20
【Application Form】https://forms.gle/r5NzvyZpEGumX4HE9
【Application Due】Thursday, December 1, 2022 (17:00 p.m.)

Note: Please note that the participants will be selected by drawing lots when the number of applicants exceeds its limit.

Student Exchange Support Division
Tel: 095-819-2414
Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

Invitation to English Cafe for November

The Center for Language Studies and the Student Exchange Support Division would like to invite you to an English Café scheduled for November.

English Café is a chat event which offers international students and Japanese students an opportunity to get to know each other using English.

Please come and join us!

*** English Café (on-campus) ***

【Date】Tuesday, November 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29
【Venue】Student Exchange Support Division
【Number of Participants】Up to 20
【Application Form】https://forms.gle/hFgwCDEiec37iPD89  
【Application Due】Thursday, October 27, 2022 (12:00 p.m.)

Note: Please note that the participants will be selected by drawing lots when the number of applicants exceeds its limit.

Student Exchange Support Division
Tel: 095-819-2414
Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

Invitation to English Cafe for October

The Center for Language Studies and the Student Exchange Support Division would like to invite you to an English Café scheduled for October.

English Café is a chat event which offers international students and Japanese students an opportunity to get to know each other using English.

Please come and join us!

*** English Café (on-campus) ***
【Date】Tuesday, October 11, 18, and 25
【Venue】Student Exchange Support Division
【Number of Participants】Up to 20
【Application Form】https://forms.gle/LommPePMDmdiSqDD7
【Application Due】Monday, October 10, 2022 (12:00 p.m.)

Note: Please note that the participants will be selected by drawing lots when the number of applicants exceeds its limit.

Student Exchange Support Division
Tel: 095-819-2414
Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

5月のEnglish Cafeの事前申込を始めました


Dear Students,

The Center for Language Studies and the Student Exchange Support Division would like to invite you to an English Café scheduled for May.

English Café is a chat event which offers international students and Japanese students an opportunity to get to know each other using English.

Please come and join us!

*** English Café (on-campus) ***

【Date】Thursday, May 12, 19, and 26. 


【Venue】Student Exchange Support Division

【Number of Participants】Up to 20

【Application Form】https://forms.gle/UoUhfPjcrYjrB3VA7 

【Application Due】May 11, 2021 (12:00 p.m.) 

Note: Please note that the participants will be selected by drawing lots when the number of applicants exceeds its limit.

Student Exchange Support Division

Tel: 095-819-2414

Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

12月のEnglish Cafeの事前申込を始めました

English Cafeへの参加者(12月分)を募集しています。


Dear students,

The Center for Language Studies and the Student Exchange Support Division would like to invite you to an English Café scheduled for November.

English Café is a chat event, which offers international students and Japanese students an opportunity to get to know each other using English.

Please come and join us!

*** English Café (on-campus) ***

【Date】Thursday, December 2, 9 and 16


【Venue】Student Community Plaza (Across from Co-op)

【Number of Participants】Up to 15

【Application Form】https://forms.gle/9oQtA6ypSwi8RxECA 

【Application Due】December 2, 2021 (12:00 p.m) 

Note: Please note that the participants will be selected

by drawing lots when the number of applicants exceeds its limit.

Student Exchange Support Division

Tel: 095-819-2414

Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp