095-819-2077 〒852-8521 長崎市文教町1-14 gengo_c@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

12月のEnglish Cafeの事前申込を始めました

English Cafeへの参加者(12月分)を募集しています。


Dear students,

The Center for Language Studies and the Student Exchange Support Division would like to invite you to an English Café scheduled for November.

English Café is a chat event, which offers international students and Japanese students an opportunity to get to know each other using English.

Please come and join us!

*** English Café (on-campus) ***

【Date】Thursday, December 2, 9 and 16


【Venue】Student Community Plaza (Across from Co-op)

【Number of Participants】Up to 15

【Application Form】https://forms.gle/9oQtA6ypSwi8RxECA 

【Application Due】December 2, 2021 (12:00 p.m) 

Note: Please note that the participants will be selected

by drawing lots when the number of applicants exceeds its limit.

Student Exchange Support Division

Tel: 095-819-2414

Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

11月のEnglish Cafeの事前申込を始めました

English Cafeへの参加者(11月分)を募集しています。


Dear Students,

The Center for Language Studies and the Student Exchange Support Division would like to invite you to an English Café scheduled for November.
English Café is a chat event, which offers international students and Japanese students an opportunity to get to know each other using English.
Please come and join us!

*** English Café (on-campus) ***

【Date】Thursday, November 4, 11, 18 and 25 
【Venue】Student Community Plaza (Across from Co-op)
【Number of Participants】Up to 15
【Application Form】https://forms.gle/H35CFyjoF3v2Y4iB6
【Application Due】November 15, 2021 (12:00 p.m) 

Note: Please note that the participants will be selected
by drawing lots when the number of applicants exceeds its limit.

Student Exchange Support Division
Tel: 095-819-2414
Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

2021年度 後期のEnglish Cafeが始まります!

今学期も以下の日程でEnglish Cafeを開催します!!


日時:毎週木曜日 16:10~17:10(10/21~1/7 冬休み期間を除く)



The Center for Language Studies and the Student Exchange Support Division 
would like to invite you to an English Café scheduled for the month of October.

English Cafe is a communication event, which offers an opportunity for 
international students and Japanese students to get to know 
each other using English. Please come and join us!

*** English Café (on-campus) ***

【Date】Thursday, October 21st, and 28th 
【Venue】Student Community Plaza (Across from Co-op)
【Number of Participants】Up to 15
【Application Form】https://forms.gle/H35CFyjoF3v2Y4iB6
【Application Due】October 20, 2021 (12:00 p.m) 

Note: Please note that the participants will be selected
by drawing lots when the number of applicants exceeds its limit.

Student Exchange Support Division
Tel: 095-819-2414
Email: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

7月のEnglish Cafeの事前申込を始めました

今年度は、コロナ感染症対策のためEnglish Cafeへの参加は事前登録制となりました。また、現時点では定員を20名程度としています。

これまで、学生の皆さんの長大メールに申込用のリンクをお送りしていましたが、今後は「slack」を使用して、English Cafeの申込や今後のスケジュール等をお知らせしていきます。slackは、アプリからでもパソコンからでもアクセス可能です。






6/1のEnglish Cafeの事前登録を開始します




登録〆切は5/31 正午までです。


【Application Form】


2021年度のEglish Cafeを明日から開催します




開催日: 毎週火曜日5限目(16:10~17:40)


1/13のEnglish Cafeはオンラインで開催します

1/13のEnglish Cafeはオンラインで開催する予定です。

なお、1/6のEnglish Cafeはありませんのでご注意ください。

開催日時:1/13 16:10~17:40


申込方法:以下のリンクより参加申込を行ってください。1/12 12:00 pmまでに申込をお願いします。


The Center for Language Studies and the Student Exchange Support Division 
would like to invite you to an online English Café on July 27, 2020.

The Center for Language Studies and the Student Exchange Support Division 
would like to invite you to an online English Café on January 13, 2021.

*** Online English Café ***

【Date】January 13, 2021 (Wednesday)
【Application Admitted】Up to 80
【Application Deadline】12:00 pm, January 12, 2021 (Tuesday)

【Application Form】https://forms.gle/UMyij1L5RyDW4c2r6

Note: Zoom meeting ID and the password will be sent to you in the morning
of January 13th. 

We look forward to your participation!